One thing most people want more of is confidence. Consider this your how-to guide to feel and project confidence in all situations.  

Flaunting requires you to notice your wins, feel proud of them, and share them out loud with others. This requires you to overcome barriers such as quieting the voices that quiet you (including your own), looking at language that helps or hinders how you’re perceived, and applying your new, confident self to challenging situations like navigating power dynamics.  These problems aren't new, Landry’s solutions are.    

FLAUNT will develop your confidence from the inside out.  Get reading - eureka moments await! 

Our definition of “flaunt” is to radiate confidence.

The Flaunt Club is an inclusive, free online community on Instagram. Follow us @theflauntclub to learn new skills, support others, and start flaunting your stuff!


Brenda Landry, Co-founder of The Flaunt Club and President of Evoke Consulting, has been working with people from around the world for over a decade, and one thing she’s noticed is that most of us need and want to have more confidence. 

A lack of confidence impacts one’s ability to speak up, ask for a promotion, or be seen and heard as a leader. Flaunting is a form of self-promotion, one which many of us are not comfortable with or skilled at doing. The Flaunt Club isn’t just about showing off our wins; it’s about feeling proud. That’s why in The Flaunt Club, we talk about feeling it and flaunting it – it’s an inside-out process. 

The purpose of this community is to create a movement that redefines flaunting from being something negative to something positive.

The Flaunt Club aims to empower, equip, and encourage people to feel proud of their accomplishments and share them with others.